Verve Æ Extra Light AaBbCcDdEeFfGgJjNnOoSsXxYyZz
Verve Æ Regular AaBbCcDdEeFfGg357JjOoSsXxYyZz
Verve Æ Semibold AaBbCcEeKk468JjRrXxYyZz
Verve Æ Semibold AaBbCcEeKk468JjRrXxYyZz
Verve Æ Bold AaBbCcEeKkMmPpTtUuXxYyZz
Verve Æ Black AaBbCcEeKk1274JjRrWwZz
Verve Æ Extra Black AaBbEe190JjRrWw
Star Darlings
Disney Star Darlings is a series of popular books for the tween girl audience. Verve selected for cover and interior design.
Cedarville University
I discovered this exquisite example of Verve AE adapted for the Cedarville Yellowjackets Athletic logo.
The Creation Museum
It’s a delightful surprise to discover Verve AE directing visitors to the planetarium at the Creation Museum in Kentucky, USA
Star Shower
Ubiquitous in Walmart and discount stores, Verve AE appears on packaging throughout the year.
Lowe’s Iris Home Security
Before Lowe's redesigned the logo to be bland and boring (re-blanded), and then terminated the service, Verve AE was the visual brand identity for Lowe’s Iris Smart Home Security system.
"I DECONSTRUCTED BRIAN SOOY'S typeface Verve to find the main modular components that compose it, documented them, and derived the algorithms by which the typeface was assembled. I documented the analysis in a graphic which both displays the structural properties of the font and functions as a manual for its construction.
After completing this, I streamlined the recipe creating least-common-algorithm which I used to develop a program in Macromedia Director to create typefaces using pasted clipboard imagery as the modular typographic components.
Altered Ego Verve is a top choice for publishers like
Disney, McGraw-Hill Education,
Penguin Books; recording companies like Concord Records, manufacturers like Revlon, and discerning brands in every sector.
Verve AE has been spotted on products from Verona, Italy, to fashion runways in NYC, and at your local big box stores like Walmart.
Verve® is a registered trademark of Altered Ego Fonts. Accept no substitutes.